Friday, June 19, 2009

Frog Farm

Ribbit! Oops... I mean, "greetings from Frog Farm!", the first destination on my Oregon exploration. For the last few days I've been hacking the legs from organically raised toads, packing them in ice, and shipping them to Whole Foods for immediate consumption. Just kidding. But they do have frogs here. In fact, there's a sign near the pond which reads: Do Not Feed The Frogs. I don't know if it's serious - perhaps its purpose is to confuse city folks. Glad I haven't seen any of THEM around! haha... ha... ummm... yeah.

But speaking of frogs, there is a french guy here. His name is Matt and he's a great, soft-spoken fellow who's been WWOOF'ing with his Japanese girlfriend for a year now. They've stayed in Quebec and British Colombia, and have used their experiences to learn many things, including english. It's funny how the owners of Frog Farm always recruit Matt to bottle the homemade wines. Coincidence or smart business move??

Speaking of the farm owners, their names are Farmer Steve and Debbie (or papa frog and mama frog as they lovingly refer to each other). They are really amazing people who know everything about everything. They've been together a while and are getting married this weekend on the farm! It will certainly be an untraditional wedding; more of an excuse to have a party with their friends and family - all 200 of them. I can't wait.

Ahh... and speaking of me, I'm doin' fine. The work is hard, but that just makes my free time (and meals) so much sweeter. I'd elaborate more, but it's friday night with some folks around the campfire. You can see the stars out here. Remember the stars?

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