Monday, July 13, 2009

Oregon Country Fair

This weekend I attended the Oregon Country Fair, a three day festival outside Eugene. These pictures can describe it better than I ever could, but needless to say, hippies were abundant!

I think she was surprised to see a camera at the other end.

Isn't this kid adorable? May use him as a model for the main character in my book.

I spy with my little eye...

Scantily clad women were abundant...

...but don't feel left out ladies!

Something for everyone!

Amazing musician! (bought 3 of his CD's for $20)

Another incredible musician, Jason Webley, had everyone in a higher place.

Belly dancing: better than burlesque.

What a day!

Next time, I'd like to go the whole three days, instead of just one - but I can't complain! In addition to all the good food, weird people, and awesome performances, people came from all corners of Oregon to sell their hand-crafted wares! Clothing, moccasins, jewelery, baskets, soaps, herbs, metalwork, glasswork, instruments, and any other items you could possibly imagine. Incredible craftsmanship all around, much better than that mass manufactured crap you buy in the stores... you know, the stuff that you end up throwing away in 3 months?


  1. I have a few comments: bubble! let´s abduct that child! you have a goatee and you look like your DAD! Naked women? Why weren´t you closing your eyes?! and great segway to story of stuff! wish i could´ve been there, but was too busy running from narco-trafficker´s wars.

  2. what?! I look like my dad? aww... now I gotta go shave! ;)

    yes, he is an adorable kid, isn't he? well I did tell I had a surprise gift for you upon your return, right? (evil, evil grin)
